Trip To Japan!

June 3 - 19, 2008

This was an amazing trip. I've made memories that will last a life time - and I photographed it ALL! Take a look (with my photo comments and all) and enjoy!

Click here to view!

Trip To Denver!

July 2012

I moved to Denver! My dad and I drove from Orlando to Denver, and got camera happy yet again. I'm still working on this, so CHECK BACK SOON to see them!

(Or remind me to do it again :) )

Project For Awesome 2013


I did a pretty cool video for this year's Project For Awesome! This year I talked about PFLAG, which was a great experience. PFLAG themselves loved it, too - which is even more awesome!              Click here to see the video! 

Here is some cool stuff I've done! YouTube, photos, and more(?)!

My Projects

Project For Awesome 2012

The Potentials Foundation

My first year I did a (poorly made, but made with love!) video for The Potentials Foundation. They are a fantastic group, and I felt deserved a video for my first P4A video!

Click here to see the video!

Project For Awesome 2014

KidSafe Foundation

The video for this year's Project for Awesome took a more serious turn, but it's still a great video! KidSafe is a great group, so I made a video talking about them and their awesomeness!          Click here to see the video! 

Jennifer Kiley

Denver, Colorado